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Sandboxels Introduction

Sandboxels is a free, browser-based falling-sand simulator that offers a dynamic and immersive experience. It includes features like heat simulation, electricity, density, chemical reactions, cooking, and fire spread. With a collection of over 500 unique elements to experiment with, Sandboxels provides a fun and relaxing way to pass the time.

The game features thousands of interactions among various materials, plants, animals, fluids, and powders.

Falling-sand games are a form of sandbox game where different kinds of particles fall.

Just pick an element, like Water, after choosing a category, like Liquids, using a click or your touchscreen. Place your pixels by dragging on the canvas above, then observe how they interact with one another!

There are many applications in education uses for sandboxes. Students can get an understanding of new phenomena in a variety of subjects, including biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, cookery, and even virology, through practical experience. There are innumerable things to learn.

Business inquiries? contact@sandboxels.online!

More links: HelpTipsMobileOfflinePrivacy

Sandboxels is developed by R74n. Check out !


Draw pixels Left Click
Erase pixels Right Click
Pick element Middle Click
Pause simulation Space or P
Intensify effect Shift + Heat/Cool/Drag/Mix
Draw line Shift + Click
Change cursor size Scroll or +- or []
Change category
Select by name E
Element info I or /
Open settings \
Reset canvas R
Single step >
Fullscreen F or F11
Change view 1234
Toggle GUI F1
Capture screenshot C or F2
More controls